Ista Professional CO2 System

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The Ista Aluminium Cylinder Set is an ideal starter CO2 set for planted aquariums.

This kit comes supplied with all accessories including solenoide regulator, diffuser etc for an instant CO2 setup in your aquarium.

The Ista Aluminium Cylinder System is an ideal starter CO2 set for planted aquariums.


Ista’s CO2 cylinders safety standards are approved by Technical Inspection Association (TUV).

Supporting base keeps CO2 cylinder in position avoiding any potential damage to the CO2 regulator.

Pressure reduced vertical type CO2 regulator assures constant and accurate CO2 dosing rate.

Unique top quality ceramic promises the most even and delicate CO2 diffusing effect.

Acrylic made 2 in 1 CO2 bubble counter provides clear CO2 bubble reading and to be acid and breakage endured.

Stainless spring design check valve assures most reliable function of stopping backflow.

Fastening node assures no bursting out of air tube.

Seamless aluminium CO2 cylinder.

Stylish design brings additional elegancy to your aquarium set up.

Included in set:

1 cylinder (1L) full weight pressurised CO2 liquid

1 cylinder supporting base

1 CO2 controller with solenoid

1 CO2 bubble counter

1 CO2 Indicator

1 CO2 diffuser

1 flexible tube

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